Clemens Mitter

Siegfried Mitter

Managing Director Middle East
Manoj Varghese

Sales Manager of Siethom Saudi Arabia
Ahmad Abbas

Managing Director of Siethom Hungary
Peter Sigetkozi
If you're interested in a project or need information
Our team always tries to reply as soon as possible. We'll be very happy to work out a suitable solution for you and send you a non-binding offer. We're looking forward to your inquiry.
Siethom Technisches Büro GmbH
Poschacherstr. 35,
4020 Linz, Austria
Siethom Mechanical Equipment Trading L.L.C.
PO Box No: 72547, M04, Al Safa Tower, Liwa Street,
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Get in touch
Please fill in your name and email address here. Then describe your request to us. The more precisely you describe your project, the easier it is for us to find the right product.